10 Solid Tips to Grow YouTube subscribers.

10 Solid Tips to Grow YouTube subscribers.

Nowadays, YouTube is a vital part of many people’s social media habits. From news videos to music videos and online tutorials, the platform provides endless opportunities for creativity. With that in mind, we have compiled a list of 10 Solid tips that can help you grow your YouTube subscribers.

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What does it mean to grow YouTube subscribers?

Growth of YouTube subscribers is one of the most important things you can do to improve your channel. When your subscribers increase, it means more people are watching your videos and that is good for your reputation and bottom line. Here are some tips to help you grow your YouTube subscribers faster.

First, make sure you are creating great content. If you are producing high-quality videos that capture people’s attention, they will likely want to subscribe. Second, use video marketing techniques to promote your channel. This includes using keywords in your titles and descriptions, as well as embedding relevant YouTube ads in your videos. Finally, be patient and continue producing great content even if the growth rate is slow at first. Over time, viewership will increase and the growth process will be easier.

Tips for Growing YouTube Subscribers

1. Break Your Subscriber Goal Into Small Chunks

Trying to collect a thousand of anything is hard; it doesn’t matter if it’s dollars, pairs of shoes, or rare horror novels. You know it’s going to take a long time, but you don’t know exactly how long, and that’s nerve-wracking.

Here’s a solution: Chop the figure into manageable chunks instead of saying you want 1,000 YouTube subscribers.

Throughout the year, tell yourself that you want to gain:

  • 100 subscribers by March
  • 250 subscribers by June
  • 500 subscribers by August
  • 750 subscribers by October
  • 1,000 subscribers by December

You won’t hit those exact numbers each month. But it’s less scary (and more encouraging) to reach a mini-goal than obsess over a distant target.

2. Add a YouTube Subscribe Button to Your Videos

Here’s an easy hack to gain subscribers on every upload. Either create or download a graphic that says “subscribe,” then go to the YouTube Studio and upload it as a video watermark. When viewers watch your content, they’ll (hopefully) click the graphic to subscribe to your channel.

Here’s how to add a subscribe button on YouTube videos:

  1. Go to the YouTube Studio.
  2. Click Customization in the left navigation menu.
  3. Select the Branding tab.
  4. Scroll down to the Video Watermark section and upload your graphic.
  5. Choose a display time for the graphic: at end of the video, the entire video, or a custom timespan.
  6. Hit Publish in the top right corner of the page.
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3. Identify Which Videos Attract the Most Subscribers

If you have 30 or more videos on your channel, why not see which ones attracted the most subscribers?

The proper term for this metric is called subscribers by video. You’ll find this data within your YouTube analytics, particularly on the YouTube subscriber count graph.

Here’s how to navigate there:

  1. Go to the YouTube Studio.
  2. Click Analytics in the left navigation menu.
  3. Click View More, which is below the YouTube dashboard showing monthly views, subscribers, revenue, and watch time.
  4. Select Subscribers By Video next to the box that reads “secondary metric.”
  5. Analyze the list of videos you’ve made, paying close attention to the subscriber column. Which ones are attracting the most subscribers? Write those videos down so you can make similar content.

4. Place a YouTube Subscribe Link in Video Descriptions

Explaining your video isn’t all the description box is good for. You can also add links there, such as affiliate links, website links, and your social media. More importantly, pasting in a subscribe link lets people join your community in just a few taps.

Here’s how to create a subscription link for your channel:

  1. Start with your channel’s regular URL. You can grab this from the address bar when you’re on your channel’s homepage.
  2. Add ?sub_confirmation=1 to the end of your channel’s URL.
  3. Paste the entire thing into your video description box, along with some text asking viewers to subscribe. Then let the new subs roll in!

5. Do a YouTube Collab to Reach New Viewers

Creators put a lot of work into video collaborations. They search for like-minded partners, brainstorm collab ideas, and film several videos together. But after all that work, the two creators get a priceless reward: sharing their overlapping audiences.

6. Create the 4 Types of Videos People Love

There’s no shortage of YouTube video ideas to get more subscribers. The challenge is finding ones that make viewers return to your channel and hit subscribe.

Over time, we’ve found that four videos never go out of style on YouTube:

  1. Reaction videos
  2. How-to videos
  3. Versus videos
  4. Listicle videos

7. Take YouTube Keywords, Thumbnails, and Video Titles Seriously

We say it all the time: YouTube keywords are the foundation of any great channel, and they’re the best way to get traffic as a new creator. Adding relevant terms to your titles and video descriptions will help your content climb search results – fast.

8. Promote Your Channel on the YouTube Community Tab

Posting on the Community tab is an easy way to promote your channel. This social media network is inside of YouTube itself, and you can use it to share GIFs, polls, text posts, images, and videos.

9. Create Videos That Deliver on Their Promise

Whether someone realizes it or not, every video on YouTube makes a subtle promise. The title tells you what to expect in the first 30 seconds of viewing. The thumbnail shows the emotional appeal of what you’re about to watch, whether that’s happiness or total despair. Everything combines to give the viewer an expectation.

If the video doesn’t meet that expectation, it means you broke the initial promise. And it’s hard to gain subscribers when you keep letting viewers down.

To avoid that downfall, create a value proposition for your channel. This short slogan tells viewers what you post and why they should care – “a crypto class for big returns” or “tasty meals for every budget,” for example. With an explicit promise, you’ll always make the right video and attract new subscribers.

10. Never Stop Posting New Videos

Some creators don’t have a problem getting subscribers. They actually have a consistency gap, which hinders them from posting enough content, influencing the YouTube algorithm, and growing their audience.

On YouTube, you’re a show. If you don’t post a video for a long time, it’s the same as “Game of Thrones” (when that was a thing) withholding episodes for two weeks straight. Naturally, people will move on and watch something else.

You don’t have to post daily or even three days a week to grow on YouTube. But you do have to maintain a regular posting schedule to keep people subscribed to your channel.


YouTube is one of the most popular platforms for sharing videos online. It has millions of users who upload and share videos every day. However, to grow your YouTube subscribers, you need to use a solid strategy.

One way to grow your YouTube subscribers is to create interesting and engaging content. This means creating videos that are interesting and useful to your audience. You can also use video marketing to promote your content. This involves using YouTube video ads to reach more people.

Another way to grow your YouTube subscribers is to offer free resources or products. This can be anything from e-books to training courses. If you provide valuable resources or products, your subscribers will likely become loyal followers.

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